Don't mince words - For organizations

Don't mince words - advice and training for organizations

As the daughter of a musician, my earliest memories are dominated by stages, sensitive strings and pleasant atmospheres. From the age of 18 I climbed the podium of educational institutions myself, through a social project of PSV. I ended up doing this for six years.

A large part of my professional foundation lies in the lessons I have learned from the opportunity and mentor of PSV. This mentor, named Wil, has made us known through transactional analysis, authenticity and from his own commitment, endlessly inspired that idealistic dreams can also become reality within commercial and subsidized organizations.

In the PSV project, the main goal was to open up the discussion of sensitive strings within classrooms that lead to early school leaving. Why are young people dropping out of school earlier and not getting a diploma? In all these years we have not come across a single young person who dropped out of education because they did not want to form and develop themselves. It often involved intensely complex and difficult personal situations or an offer that did not match their talents and/or dreams. Sometimes also because of resistance from the people who had to blow the wind at their backs.

After these six years at PSV, I grew within government institutions. I ended up in policy positions where I gave internal presentations, and I was also asked to speak at large social organizations active in the field of youth care and education at conferences and meetings.

I have never been tempted by professional jargon. The essence of what I have to say is close to the experience of the lived: also, or above all, if that cuts against professional and organizational interests. An organization consists of organisms, that is to say living.

If your organization needs a crowbar, ventilation or mirror that gives you a tickle in the chest, you have come to the right place. From living in homeless centers to a villa and from working with foster care, child protection and government policy to having lived through these: no learned expert can compete with my knowledge.

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