Prices & FAQ

Popular questions

Do you have a question? We are ready for you.

  • What are your opening hours?

      Calling: Daily between 12 noon and 7 pm Consultation/Training: Wednesdays between 10 am and 9 pm, weekends on request. On Fridays we answer emails and incoming whatsapp messages
  • What does it cost?

      Individual consultation of 1.5 hours: 95 euros. Three consultations for 250 euros. Possible for a short emergency consultation of 20 minutes: 20 euros. Group training smartphone coaching (three hours): 120 euros pp For a collective / acquaintances: jointly 499 *excluding materialsGroup training neurodiversity (subgroup Giftedness & ADHD) of 2 hours: in consultation / on request
  • What is the difference between your guidance and that of a regular coach?

    Of course I can't make a comparison about other people, but in professional terms, coaches are often more focused on controlling your attitude and thoughts: they stimulate and motivate someone. From my background in pedagogy and ecopsychology, I think education is more important: you feel what you need or what is missing, I teach you the best possible knowledge and current insights. Where a coach without this background stimulates, directs and motivates more, I focus more on questioning, transferring knowledge and mirroring. How you want to chart that path with that knowledge is up to you.

  • What do you do for organizations?

    In my life path I have been able to experience different layers of society. Living in a homeless shelter, talking one-on-one with members of parliament in The Hague, talking at night in a closed youth care setting with a young person, being a policy maker within the government and also in my private life I talked with the drug user up to the NATO officers . Since 2019 I have been flown in for advice in complex situations involving young people by the CCE based on my experience and pedagogical expertise: I am a bridge builder and like to switch between different layers, so that they learn to understand each other. I am regularly asked for this by organizations such as the CCE, but I have also been involved as a teacher at Rino-Zuid in Eindhoven for a long time. In addition, every year on request, I occasionally attend conferences.

  • Where is your office?

    My practice is outdoors. We go into nature during consultations, also in rain (unless it is dangerous/impossible). It is possible to book a consultation and keep it inside, we can agree on this together.

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