The Ecopedagogue originated after a study in pedagogy and ecopsychology, a fairly new field. For example, Ann, the teacher and inspirer behind the Dutch-Flemish branch of this movement, writes it as follows: "In ecopsychology man is seen from the unity of man-nature. It follows an ecological world view: everything is connected with everything, you cannot isolate something from its natural environment.”
From pedagogy and andragogy it is about the formation of people in interaction with their environment. How and what exactly do you learn? Does it serve you or does it devour you? These studies combined mean that you can learn at the Ecopedagogue how you can experience unity again by (re)forming yourself.
The Ecopedagogue helps you to gain insight into this through training and guidance.
Do you want to meet first? Gladly! The Ecopedagogue is based on trust and intuition: it is therefore important that we have both been able to consider whether this connection is suitable for further growth.
When are you brimming with energy and how do you deal with things that don't suit you? More insight into your talents and pitfalls through a scientifically substantiated questionnaire.
Are you stuck? A longing for reflection and stimulation. Search for paths again through a consultation
Training to learn to deal with accessibility differently - break through your dependence and get in touch
“Ze luisterde naar me en gaf me voorbeelden en metaforen die pasten bij mijn situatie waardoor ik me minder alleen voelde. Ze valideerde daarmee mijn gevoelens op een manier die ik niet eerder had meegemaakt”
“Ik ben vaker naar coaches en consultaties gegaan maar dit was de eerste keer voor me waarin ik het gevoel had iets te leren door me weer dingen te herinneren. Ze gaf me veel kennis mee waaruit ik kon kiezen in plaats van telkens de bal terug te kaatsen zoals veel anderen doen.”
“Ik besefte me pas na de gesprekken met Lize hoezeer ik niet in contact stond met de echte wereld. Als proeflezer van haar e-book over Smartphonegebruik in combinatie met de training die ze ons heeft gegeven, ga ik nu veel bewuster om met de smartphone, alsof ik ineens meer tijd heb en me lichter voel”