All our lives have sharp edges. It is therefore good to see together whether my training and guidance are appropriate.
The Ecopedagogue emphatically does not offer any assistance. Ecopsychology is a new and pioneering field. This officially falls under coaching. The Ecopedagogue focuses on training and coaching.
Are you a benefactor?
Because of the strong attachment to autonomy and creativity, the Ecopedagogue does not work with municipal contracts or health insurers: this means that no reimbursements are possible. As a result, it is not feasible for everyone to book a training or consultation.
With your contribution, people who (demonstrably) have no financial capacity can still request a training or consultation. Every month I want to offer two trajectories (short-term, maximum three sessions) and one training free of charge.
You can indicate to me if you want to contribute financially to this. This can be done by paying 5 or 10 euros extra for your consultation, an amount of at least 20 euros is appreciated for a training!