Important information: Preconditions


All our lives have sharp edges. It is therefore good to see together whether my training and guidance are appropriate.


The Ecopedagogue emphatically does not offer any assistance. Ecopsychology is a new and pioneering field. This officially falls under coaching. The Ecopedagogue focuses on training and coaching.

    Therefore, always discuss medical and psychological complaints with your doctor. For care, they can refer you to the right care providers.

    The Ecopedagogue does not offer coaching to people who are dealing with psychopathy (popularly referred to as narcissism) in their current intimate relationships. Ecopsychological principles are too far removed from this. To get started with this, it is good to find support and care with expertise and commitment in that area.

    Are you currently in a storm in which you struggle not to blow over? Are you currently experiencing no stability in your life and have you not yet defeated great dragons? Then a consultation and/or training from the Ecopedagogue is currently not useful for your development. There must be space and tranquility to be able to be taught - we learn from a need and desire: survival is very difficult.

Are you a benefactor?

Because of the strong attachment to autonomy and creativity, the Ecopedagogue does not work with municipal contracts or health insurers: this means that no reimbursements are possible. As a result, it is not feasible for everyone to book a training or consultation.

With your contribution, people who (demonstrably) have no financial capacity can still request a training or consultation. Every month I want to offer two trajectories (short-term, maximum three sessions) and one training free of charge.

You can indicate to me if you want to contribute financially to this. This can be done by paying 5 or 10 euros extra for your consultation, an amount of at least 20 euros is appreciated for a training!


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