Welcome, fellow man!
Let me just drop the door right away, after all, that's why you came here: I'm Lize, mentor behind the Ecopedagogue. I have been taught knowledge from pedagogy, andragogy and currently developing from ecopsychology, a new movement that is still very unknown in the Netherlands. Instead of a standard intro, I wrote a piece about myself so that you get to know me in a different way.
Do you want to hear my voice and rather listen than read? Then click on: https://voicethread.com/share/21319697/
Who am I?
A courageous millennial. My life and work connected as a paradox: lived from villa to homeless shelters and from home to owner-occupied house. Speaks behind closed doors with incarcerated youths to high-ranking politicians. Worked with clay on small living groups and in a suit as a policy maker in the towers, because I want to fathom all floors: for a healthy whole. 🔭
Sees talent and tackles the opportunity just as thoroughly as the reflection that comes after being on the face: reflect fully from the pitfall, because we have to learn from failure, not just be disappointed. And by the way, let's talk about that a bit more honestly: learning together. Because courage has to. 🪬
Without mincing words, with wind in the straight back and sometimes a wavering finger high in the air, to feel from which direction it comes. 🌬
What I do? I move between layers of society for justified, healthy synergy. Energy is what flows through us all, being enlightened seems to me nothing less than spreading that light in such a transparent, fluid way that it is never encapsulated. There is strength in gravity, but I also jump like a spring. I'll pay attention to that. And if not, then I fall over: to rise again after that friction to a bright future, back to balance.
Can I do something for you or does this connection emotionally lead to growth for you? Don't shy away, reach out and dream up, if you can! 🌎
Knowledge background and vision
Pedagogy is a science that looks from a systemic perspective at the development of children in interaction with their environment. Andragogy is a less well-known term, a branch of pedagogy that focuses on the education of adults. Both these studies are basically based on education: educere in Latin, which means to lead away from ignorance. This description best fits the essence of my organization.
I have always believed that the greatest impact is made in teaching appropriate knowledge and reflecting learning points to the other person exactly where that other person feels the need to grow:
We cannot force this.
Until 2023 I am also working on a new study, ecopsychology. In the Netherlands, ecopsychology is still completely unknown: I am currently following this study abroad. Ecopsychology has been recognized worldwide since 2006 as a new scientific movement within psychology. If you want to know more about this, I refer you to the website of my teacher (Ann Sterckx, PhD University of Antwerp): https://earthwise.education/wat-is-ecopsychologie/
People come to me for development issues: stop and (learn to) reflect, digest and move on. Behavior is often an expression of a need: commitment and understanding are allowed instead of condemnation. On the other hand, I find social safety (no harmful undercurrent) important and I feel it quickly, for this reason I have developed a directive style based on my own talent: I have been described with some regularity in my work as a 'crowbar': daring naming sensitivities. It is important that you feel comfortable with this, otherwise my working method may not be entirely appropriate.
Work experience in a nutshell: