One of the greatest qualities of the Ecopedagogue is information processing. Every year, dozens of books are devoured, currents are researched and other insights are looked at from a self-taught perspective. While we in the West like to reinvent the wheel ourselves and like to tell people that our approach is new and refreshing, the Ecopedagogue prefers to work from a teaching perspective. The Ecopedagogue is convinced that we learn knowledge, but remember real wisdom. When we hear things that feel right to us, you notice it. It is not for nothing that it is said that the greatest treasures are hidden within ourselves, so all religious and spiritual movements say: know thyself. The Ecopedagogue supports you in this.
You can come here from the age of 16, whether you have dropped out of the education system or are struggling as an adult.
You can opt for a lightning-fast session (short insight session with questionnaire) or a development process, which helps you remember and choose direction.
You are the expert, here lies the compass. Based on your story, we unravel together which knowledge, currents and insights you can best turn to so that you feel direction again.
You can opt for a descriptive report in which you learn more about yourself through a scientifically based questionnaire